Where do I park for my bankruptcy hearing?

You might guess that the bankruptcy hearings for people in Herndon or Annandale would be at the Fairfax Court House.. Instead they are at 1725 Duke Street #520, Alexandria VA.
Bankruptcy is a Federal law, and the Bankruptcy Court for all of Northern Virginia is in Alexandria. There's a Bankruptcy Courthouse on South Washington St. BUT your first (for most people only) bankruptcy hearing is NOT at that courthouse either.
The only bankruptcy hearing most people have to go to, is an an office building, 1725 Duke Street, Alexandria. That building backs up to the King Street Metro, so parking right there in the building is $18.00!
Two blocks away, there's plenty of parking along John Carlyle Street. $3.50 gets you two hours, which is nearly always plenty of time. If you are not familiar with that area, you can set your GPS for John Carlyle Square. Park there, and walk two blocks back to 1725 Duke Street, for your bankruptcy hearing.